On Monday, February 15, encouraged my our
small find of mushrooms nearer to home, Cecelia and I decided to go a
little farther down to an area about 2500 ft..
We were pleased with what we found,
mostly at the last campground, and even brought back enough Blewits (Clitocybe
nuda) for a nice meal.
We both had a nice lunch at the cafe too.
Click on any image to see a larger one

Large Cortinarius?

Nolanea stricta?

Pink-tinged Hygrophorus tops

Pink-tinged Hygrophorus underside

More Corts?


Brown Cup Mushroom

Small Blewits |

A club fungus
Clavariadelphus pistillaris |

Large Blewit |

Green Slug |

Tricholoma sp. |

Helvella lacunosa |

Nolanea servicea? |

One of the Laccaria amethystina group |

Tricholoma sp. |

Yerba santa