Special Issue
Breitenbush Wild Mushroom Conference
October 22 - 24, 2004
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Again Cecelia and I weren't able to make it to
Breitenbush this year, and again it looks like, from seeing the pictures sent to me by Patrice Benson, Vice President,
Puget Sound Mycological Society, The Stuntz Foundation, and
the conference coordinator, all did pretty good with their collections. By all the smiles, it looked like everyone had a great time.
Below taken from the Breitenbush web
site, http://www.breitenbush.com:
Wild Mushrooms 2004:
The 21st Annual Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering
October 21 - 24
Enlighten your senses with the tastes, smells and sights of forest fungi found in the ancient forest at
Breitenbush Hot Springs. Local experts lead guided tours into the surrounding forest to collect specimens to admire, identify, and study.
Collected wild edible mushrooms will be cooked by professional chef
Michael Blackwell and interested mushroom gatherers. This hands on cooking and tasting event celebrates the flavors and special aromas of wild edible fungi.
A Mushroom identification display will be created during the conference to both educate and admire. A forum to exchange information of the cultural and spiritual uses of fungi is a new event this year.
Experience the joys of mushroom lectures in the evening—then soak in the springs and let your mind relax and recall the beauty of the mushrooms you found in the lovely forests surrounding Breitenbush. Take your treasures home to share: skills and information you collect from this conference can be the basis of a wonderful and interesting facet of your life.
Distinguished faculty includes Dr. Tom
Volk, professor of Mycology at the University of Wisconsin and enlightened speaker on scientific and cultural aspects of fungi;
Paul Kroeger, President of the Vancouver Mycological Society and the Pacific Northwest Key Council, and expert on the flora and geology of Hot Springs;
Patrice Benson, Vice President, Puget Sound Mycological
Society, an avid hunter and teacher of identification and human uses of fungi;
Michael Blackwell, corporate executive Chef and mushroom cooking expert, past President of the
Pac. NW Conference on Food and Wine and executive chef at Whole
Hildegard Hendrickson, Grand Dame of mushrooms, expert in identification, hunting and culinary uses and preservation of edible fungi;
Maggie Rogers, Co-editor of The Journal of Wild Mushrooming for 20 years and expert instructor of fungal arts and crafts. She has treasures, and will share them.
An addendum from Patrice:
Brian King, Grad student of Cordyceps, presented an overview of original research in the field and lab concerning this genus.
Alissa Allen worked with Maggie Rogers organizing the Dyeing with
Fungus workshop.
Judy Roger gave an Introduction to Fungi of the area presentation.
Daniel Winkler presented wonderful slide talk about Cordyceps and Hot
Springs in Tibet.
Below was the schedule for
Breitenbush Mushroom Conference 2004 Schedule
4:00pm - 6:00pm: Check in at the office for cabin assignment after parking. Unload
Bags after check-in.
6:00pm - 7:15pm: Dinner
7:15pm: Breitenbush Orientation. Breitenbush Staff. Field trip
information, Patrice Benson
7:45pm - 8:30pm: Mushroom Hunting Rules and Secrets. Hildegard Hendrickson
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Local Mushrooms Revealed. Judy Roger
9:30pm - ?:.Hot pools await....
8:00am - 9:00am: Breakfast.
9:15am - 1:00pm: Guided Fieldtrips. Gather in front of the lodge (or inside the
conference room if it is raining)
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Lunch. (sign up for sack lunches in the dining room the day
before if you are staying out in the field)
3:30pm - 5:30pm: Mushroom Dyeing (in the pavilion).
Maggie Rogers and Alissa Allen
4:00pm - 6:00pm: Mushroom Identification under the tents near the lodge.
Paul Kroeger, Dr. Tom Volk, Brian King, Judy Roger
6:00pm - 7:00pm: Dinner
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet. Daniel Winkler
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Caterpillar Fungus in Modern Research. Brian King
9:30pm - ?: Hotpools etc...
8:00am - 9:00am: Breakfast
9:15am - 1:00pm: Guided Fieldtrips. Gather in front of the lodge (or inside the
conference room if it is raining)
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Lunch (sign up for sack lunches in the dining room the day before if you are staying out in the
3:30pm - 5:30pm: Mushroom Cooking & Tasting (pavilion): Chef
Michael Blackwell, Sous Chef Peter Gemma
4:00pm - 6:00pm: Mushroom Identification under the tents near the lodge.
Paul Kroeger, Dr. Tom Volk, Brian King, Judy Roger
6:00pm - 7:00pm: Dinner
7:30pm - 8:30pm: The impact of Fungi on Humans and History. Dr. Tom Volk
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Magic Mushrooms, Past and Present. Paul Kroeger
9:30 - ?: Trance Dance in the Lodge . Breitenbush Staff
8:00am - 9:00am: Breakfast
9:30am - ?: Final Tour of the mushrooms under the tents in back of the dining room.
Mycologists present
Check out by 1:00pm
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Lunch (remember to request sack lunches a day in advance; sign up
in dining room)
Friday: Hildegard Hendrickson, Roberts,
Mergers, Allen, Daniel Winkler, Dr. Tom Volk, J. Roger (to Bridgeporus perhaps?).
Saturday: Daniel Winkler,
J. Roger, Patrice Benson, Dr. Tom Volk, Brian King, Hildegard Hendrickson, Maggie
We will add more fieldtrip leaders as desired. Afternoon fieldtrips are "on
your own".
Maps will be provided at the first trip. Wear sturdy shoes and bring
raingear and basket/bag/for collecting.
- We had a splendid time there...rain, sun, more rain, and on the last day, a glorious view of the high mountain snowline!
Maggie Rogers
- It was rainy a lot, but everyone had
a great time.
The conference filled for the first time in years!
Patrice Benson
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