Special Issue, February 2, 2003
A Winter Hike in the Mountains
Published about twice a year from
Greenville, California
by Herman Brown|
Because of the long series of
warmer-than-usual days, we decided to hike along an old road above the
Greenville Wyw, to see
what, if anything, had popped up. Because this area had been under
snow most of the previous winters, we didn't know what to expect.
We didn't find much in quantity, but we did
find lots of variety, including a few surprises.
Findings, February 2, 2003
Most of the first discoveries were LBMs
(One of David Arora's names for Little Brown Mushrooms) with little to distinguish one from another.
But as we continued our walk, we found several small pockets containing
more than a few species with varying colors and shapes.
A view aken
from the old road:

Below are the pictures we took with more detailed
descriptions of most of what we found that day:


White, smooth,
oval, amyloid spores 3½ - 5½ x 2 - 3 microns; viscous,
yellow-orange, 2" cap and 3/8" stem; white veil remnants
on edge of cap and as a large sheath on stem; close, white,
adnate gills; odor of crushed flesh faintly like bleach. Unidentified
White, strongly amyloid
spores, with short spikes, oval to round, 5 - 8½ x 5 microns; close, white,
close, adnate gills; smooth, tan, 3½" cap; smooth, white, 3/8" stem; odor of crushed flesh
mild. Possibly Melanoleuca melaleuca
White, lightly amyloid spores,
minutely roughened, elliptical to round, 3 - 5 x 2½ - 3 microns; close,
white, decurrent gills; odor of anise, cap and stem white when fresh; cap 2 - 3"
wide, stem approx ¼" . Unidentified |
White, smooth round to broadly elliptical
spores, 5 - 10 x 5 microns; pale lilac gills, and stem; cap a bit
more tan; adnate gills; smooth, 2½" cap; 3/8" stem; strong odor
of radishes. Mycena pura (a first for me)
White, spiny, round
to nearly round amyloid spores, 5 - 9 x 6 - 7 microns; cap tan, gills
and stem violet; gills adnate to decurrent and well-spaced. Laccaria

Orange, minutely-roughened
spores, 8 - 9 x 4 - 5 microns; cap 3", dark reddish brown and
thin-fleshed; orange, close, notched gills; yellow, orange, smooth stem, cap
marginate. Unidentified
White, round to nearly round amyloid spores with
warts, 4½ - 9 microns. Probably Lactarius rufulus